Friday, 4 December 2009

Glasgow Generations on iTunes

As the momentum begins to roll on, you'll be pleased to know that iTunes has caught us up already, and you can now download and subscribe to the podcast for free at iTunes.

Just click the link here iTunes and you'll be taken to our new page.  You can subscribe there and it'd be great if you could leave us a wee review and rating to help us climb the charts and get us noticed - the more the merrier!

Hopefully soon it'll get featured in iTunes and we'll start to show up in more places online, as whilst it's just enough to be recording my Dad's memories for the family, it's also a wee bonus if more people listen & like the show.

We're planning the next episode already, and are thinking of giving it a cheeky wee festive theme given the time of year, so look forward to my Dad droning on and on about how he only got one wooden toy and an apple in his stocking every year, and that despite this, "Christmas meant more in the old days!"...

The new one'll be recorded and available hopefully sometime around the 16th, and I'll post once it's ready.